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National Historical Museums

Economy Museum – Royal Coin Cabinet is a part National Historical Museums in Sweden. At the moment seven Swedish history museums are included in the agency.

About the agency

National Historical Museums is tasked with promoting knowledge of and interest in Sweden’s history and with preserving and developing the cultural heritage that the agency administers. The operations are to be a matter of interest for everyone in society.

Museums included in the agency

The agency is also responsible for the contract archaeology service The Archaeologists.

Work with us!

Do you want to work at the Economy museum or at one of our other museums? We are looking for everything from archaeologists, researchers, educators to guides and museum staff.

Photo: SHM.

The agency’s support functions are organised into four core departments:

Contact the agency


Statens historiska museer (SHM)
Box 5428
Storgatan 41 (besöksadress)
SE-114 84 Stockholm


Switchboard: +46(0)8-519 556 00 
Email the Registrar’s office: registrator@shm.se

Main sponsor of the Economy Museum
