
Discover Swedish money and economics – past, present and future. Welcome to two new permanent exhibitions, MONEY! and the Economy Lab.

Two people in the museum entrance

Opening hours

Open today 11:00–17:00

Autumn lectures

Welcome to this autumn's inspiring lectures on money and happiness, green dreams, and the U.S. economy ahead of the upcoming election. All lectures are given in Swedish and take place on Wednesday evenings.

Collage with the american flag, a tattood man and graphic elements

Senior Discount at the Economy Museum

This autumn, seniors aged 65+ can visit the museum at a discounted price. Explore the exhibitions when the museum is a bit quieter. You'll also have access to the museum's audio guide, where you can listen to stories that enhance your experience.

Image of the Ecomony Museums exhibition "Money!"
Photo: Daniel Gustafsson, Economy Museum/SHM.

Article in the Financial Times

"Sweden’s newly opened Economy Museum is the latest effort to make monetary policy more accessible" writes the Financial Times.

Exhibition with a listening station
Photo: Daniel Gustafsson, Economy Museum/SHM.

650 000 objects

The museum's collections consist of approximately 650 000 objects, including one of the world's first coins, the first banknotes and the heavy tin coins, which are the world's largest coins.

Silver coins on black background
Photo: The Economy Museum - Royal Coin Cabinet collections.

Become our history fan!

The annual pass grants you free admission to the Economy Museum and our six sister museums.

Annual pass, in the corner a gift box with a yellow ribbon.
Photo: Daniel Gustafsson, The Economy Museum/SHM.

What is numismatics?

Explore coins, banknotes, medals and various means of payment, in the collections of the Economy Museum.

Coin with large number five and a crown
Photo: The Economy Museum - Royal Coin Cabinet collections.

Calculate the monetary value

What does a salary in the nineteenth century correspond to in today's money value?

Main sponsor of the Economy Museum
