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Opening hours

Opening hours 20 August – 31 August

Monday: Closed
Tuesday Sunday: 11.00 18.00

Opening hours 1 September - 31 December

Monday: Closed
Tuesday Sunday: 11.00 17.00
Wednesday evenings open late until 20.00

Special opening hours

The museum has special opening hours during some public and school holidays.

See special opening hours

Admission and tickets

Admission costs SEK 150, including admission to the Swedish History Museum. There is free admission for children and youth 0-18 years of age.

More about admission and ticket prices

Combine your visit with the Swedish History Museum

Your admisson ticket includes admission to the Swedish History Museum in the same building, the same day as your visit.

Explore the Swedish History Museum

Restaurant Rosengården

The restaurant has the same opening hours as the museum. Lunch is served 11.00 15.30.

Visit our restaurant

Main sponsor of the Economy Museum
