What is the value of my coin?
We get many questions about whether we can help value coins, banknotes and other historical objects. Here we answer the most common questions.
Do you value coins and other historical items?
We follow ICOM's ethical rules and do not perform valuations of objects. We also do not distribute certificates. If you are interested in the value of your object or want to have them assessed, we recommend you to contact an auction firm or The Swedish Numismatic Society
Can you tell if an object is real or not?
We do not make assessments of the authenticity of historical objects and therefore do not distribute certificates of authenticity.
I want to donate an object to the museum collections
If you have objects that you want to donate to the museum, please contact the authority's registrar at registrator@shm.se. We are restrictive when it comes to receiving gifts of objects and we therefore make an assessment on a case-by-case basis.